Thursday 12 July 2007

People from British do San Fran and Monterey

So, one week already gone, and quickly too. America, it's portion sizes, scenery and people are bigger thank we could have imagined. We're currently surviving (well) on two meals a day.

3 days in San Fran (we first went to bed 24hours after getting up, so hit jetlag on the head pretty easily). It's an interesting city of contrasts - our first day in broad sunshine to enjoy the gravity-defying city, the remainder mostly in the famous fog. Contrasts too in affluence and poverty - we enviously eyed up the palaces of Pacific Heights with their manicured lawns, but had to step over countless bums, homeless people and their 'shopping cart' homes. A bit of a shock, really, in the land of the free and opportunity.

By day three we were itching to get out of the city, and made our way down Route 1 to Monterey - the road trip begins! Some classic tunes on the car stereo thanks to all of you who have provided ideas and CDs. We most definitely like Pina Colada and getting caught in the rain.

And after four nights in the big outdoors, Al and Dev are now officially Happy Campers. Mostly getting good nights sleep under canvas, though rowdy raccoons have distubed our last two nights' sleep. Little bastards seem to have a penchant for ice, and noisily crunched their way through a half a bag of ice cubes we'd left out. Let's hope the bears don't like ice.

Stars of Monterey have definitely been the sea otters - thanks Liz for that tip - could have watched them all day. Also Big Sur, which we did yesterday- jaw-dropping scenery. The Pacific, like so many other things here, is massive.

I can't really do this justice in words, so will try and post some pictures next time I write.

From now, we're off to Sequoia National Park - home of big trees, mountains and bears. And just to ensure we appreciate the contrasts of this place fully, we'll follow that up with Vegas. Bring it on.

So, I'll leave you with some wise words of one of our fellow campers to Al last night:
"So, are you guys from British?"

Well, kind of.

Tara for now.

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